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The ADHD Child:  Creating Structure & Routine, Brain Breaks & Motivation

In this webinar, Amanda Lee, Center Director of Brain Balance Achievement Centers, discusses how attention and focus are related to brain development, how to create structure, routine and brain breaks in the home setting, as well as how to motivate an unmotivated child.




address the types of testing that can be performed both remotely and in person during this live webinar, Special Education Attorney Thomas Nelson and Special Education Advocate Yoshi Bauer will answer your important questions about Distance Learning and where we go from here as schools re-open.

















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  • Assessments


  • IEE's 


  • Compensatory Education 








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Get Your Distance Learning Questions Answered!


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In this live webinar, Special Education Attorney Thomas Nelson and Special Education Advocate Yoshi Bauer will answer your important questions about Distance Learning and where we go from here as schools re-open.


This Live Webinar will be presented on Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 from 7:00-9:00 pm. 


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